Monday, 22 September 2014

Creative blog tour/ Kreatywna wycieczka po blogu

Hello Arty Souls!

Today I wanted to share with you a little bit  about ME!!!:) It is a part of creative game, to which I was invited by two inspiring and talented girls: Marta Lapkowska and Kinga Barlik. They are beautiful arty souls  and you need to look at their creations!! Visit Marta's blog  here. Visit Kinga's blog here

Witam Kreatywne dusze!
Dzis chcialabym napisac troszke o sobie, co jest czescia kreatywnej zabawy, do ktorej bylam zaproszona przez inspirujace i utalentowane: Marte Lapkowska oraz Kinge Barlik:). Sa one pieknymi artystycznymi duszami i musicie koniecznie zobaczyc ich sztuke:) Odwiedz  blog Marty  tutaj. Odwiedz blog Kingi tutaj

And here is the interview:

What am I working on? Nad czym obecnie pracuję? 
Currently I am working on few mixed media paintings. I have two arty addictions now: magical fairies and projects with 3D embellishments, mainly flowers. 

Obecnie pracuje nad kilkoma  obrazami wykonanymi technika mieszana (mixed media). Mam teraz dwa uzaleznienia artystyczne: magiczne elfy/wrozki oraz projekty z elementami 3D, a glownie kwiatami

How does my work differ from others of its genre? Czym moja praca różni się od innych w tej branży? 
I think that if you got inspired by other artists, everyday scenes or nature, the most important is to just 'breath that inspiration in' and come up with your own project  in your own style:) I call my art work 'happy art' because it is always very bright. My signature colour is turquoise, which I am never fed up with:) I also mix folk, whimsical art of fairies and girls (children art) with other mixed media techniques so it can also reach adults:) As every adult has a little child within:)

Uwazam, ze jezeli czerpiesz inspiracje od innych artystow, scen z zycia codziennego czy natury, to wazne jest, by zaczerpnac tej inspiracji jak swiezego powietrza, ale potem stworzyc wlasny projekt we wlasnym stylu. Ja nazywam moja tworczosc 'radosna tworczoscia', poniewaz zawsze uzywam radosnych kolorow a moim znakiem rozpoznawczym jest kolor turkusowy, ktory chyba nigdy mi sie nie znudzi:) Ja rowniez lacze styl folkowy, z magicznymi elfami i dziewczynkami (sztuka dziecieca) w taki sposob zeby odbiorcami byli rowniez dorosli, bowiem w kazdym doroslym tkwi male dziecko:)

Why do I write/create what I do?  Dlaczego piszę (bloga) o tym co tworzę (robię)? 
Why do I create???? Because that makes me incredibly happy!!! And I hope that my art makes other people happy !!!

Dlaczego tworze? Poniewaz mnie to niesamowicie uszczesliwia!!! I mam nadzieje ze moja sztuka daje radosc innym.
How does your writing/creating process work? Jak odbywa się mój proces tworzenia (pisania)? 

When I get inspiration, I have to run to my studio and start creating:) Sometimes I know what I want  and I just let my creative juices flow. But I love the process when I don't have a clue what to create, than I take blank canvas and start playing with paints, colours and texture. I build the background first and wait until something will trigger the main object or character. It is called intuitive painting :) 

Kiedy jestem czyms zainspirowana, biegne do mojego studia i zaczynam tworzyc:) czasem wiem co chce i pozwalam moim kreatywnym sokom plynac:) Ale kocham proces, podczas ktorego nie mam pojecia co chce stworzyc, biore czysta canve i zaczynam bawic sie farbami, kolorami i tekstura... Buduje tlo i czekam az  glowny obiekt lub charakter sam sie wyloni. Nazywa sie to intuicyjnym malowaniem:)

I hope you enjoyed this little self- interview:)

Mam nadzieje ze podobal wam sie ten wywiad z sama soba :)

Now I wish to invite Asia from Asica Scrap to join this creative game. She is another talented soul, who makes amazing cards and albums. Make sure you visit her blog here

A teraz zapraszam Asie z Asica Scrap, by dolaczyla do naszej kreatywnej zabawy. Asia jest kolejna utalentowana dusza, ktora robi niesamowite kartki i albumy. Koniecznie zajrzyjcie na jej bloga.

Friday, 12 September 2014

'Imagine that fairies exist'

'Imagine that fairy exist' little mixed media canvas for  ' Scrapki - Wyzwaniowo' and their  monthly challenge. This time the challenge was just one word- 'IMAGINE'. And this is my interpretation:


Monday, 8 September 2014

My love for faires:)

Hello Arty Souls:)

 Recently, I am in a zone of making cards and journal pages. However painting fairy girls is one of my favourites:)
Today I wanted to show you two new pieces: 'She was inspired' and 'You are my fairy' (made for Cardz'n'scrapz')

 I love using different materials for texture: denim, chipboards.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Friday, 5 September 2014

Capture life moments- art journal page

Hello Arty Souls,

This project I made for a monthly challenge (as a DT) for Craft for the Craic blog.
September theme  is all about circles:) So what I did in this art journal page is:
1.As a background I used vintage book page
2. I added gesso, inks and stamps
3. I cut out the circles from one of my backgrounds sheets and I adhered it to the page.
4. I added some doodles, cheese cloth and Tim Holtz word band.

I hope you enjoyed it!


Thursday, 4 September 2014