Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Dream BIG- art journal page with Scrapiniec chipboard and Daily Art Sprays

 Hello Arty Souls!

Happy Christmas to you all! I hope you had a magical time! New Year is very soon! So Happy New Year too:)
I have to say, I am enjoying this Christmas Break. Finally I have time to spend whole day playing play doh with my daughter, taking long baths and of course making art and this time for myself:) My life is so crazy busy with a toddler,  full time job,  art, commissions, and DTs that recently I didn't have time to just play in my art journal. Very often people ask me: how do you do so many thinks??? Yes good question:) The answer is that during the day I am at work, in the evening with my baby and I create at night:) Yes I am tired and Yes my house suffers (messy!!!) but at least I know that I am alive :D I was always a busy bee.:)
So here they are my recent  journal spreads. And yes bright colours are my art therapy, my happy art:). I was using new sprays by Daily Art and chipboards by Scrapiniec (use leftovers in your art journal, never ever through them away:))

Here I also used stamps by Donna Downey

And here I used my own hand made stamp:)

 Daily Art sprays are incredibly vibrant and work well on paper and fabric

My spraying box ;)

 Aren't these leftovers of Scrapiniec chipboard beautiful?

I hope you enjoyed it!
Next time watch out for video tutorial!

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Winter projects + Christmas Tree Ornaments video!!!

Hello Arty Souls:)
I hope you are sitting in front of fire place drinking hot chocolate:) So just sit tight and enjoy my winter projects and Christmas Ornaments video tutorial:)

Vide Tutorial here

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Mixed Media Plaque ### Mixed mediowa Tabliczka

Hello Dearest Arty Souls!

I received a big box of very yummy paints and sprays from polish art shop '' and the paint producer Daily Art. I was delighted to get my hands messy and to just Play! I have to say that the paints and sprays are so divine!!! They have different types of paints in very reach colours such as vintage (chalk), acrylics and pearl paints. They have also new permanent (mists) sprays coming to the shop very soon in around 50 different colours! And they are so vibrant and rich!!!
And guess what??? We will be playing with them during my next workshop in Poznan next year!!! 
So this is what I have created:
And also video of step by step;)

Witajcie Kochane Artystyczne Dusze

Dostałąm ostatnio duże pudełko farb i mgiełek od sklepu '' i producenta farb 'Daily Art'. I oczywiście ucieszyłam się bardzo na myśł pokrytych farbą rączek i kreatywnej zabawy.
Musze przyznać, że farby i mgiełki sa fantastyczne. Firma produkuje rozne farby: kredowe, akrylowe, perłowe i wszystkie w cudownej kolorystyce. Na rynek wchodzą również nowe permanentne mgiełki w 50 kolorach, które są niesamowicie nasycone.
I uwaga!!! Już wiosną pojawię się w na warsztatach, na których będziemy bawić się nowymi produktami Daily Art!!!!:)

A oto co dziś stowrzyłąm i jest także video, na którym strasznie duż gadam;)

And the video:

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Sneak peak into my art journal ## Zaglądamy do mojego dziennika artystycznego

Hello My Arty Souls!

It has been a while since my last post but I have been very busy with my little baby, work, art, workshops and life in general ;)
Today I wanted to show you a little bit of my arty thoughts captured in the art journal. This is a place where I practice, explore, express myself and have fun!

Witajcie Kreatywne Dusze!
Troszkę czasu minęło od mojego ostatniego postu, a to za sprawą mojej małej córeczki, pracy, projektow i warsztatów. Czyli po prostu codziennego życia...
Ale dzisiaj chciałabym się podzielić z wami moimi artstycznymi przemyśleniami zamkniętymi w moim dzienniku artystycznym. To jest moje małe miejse, w którym ćwicze, odkrywam, wyrażam siebie i...bawię się:)

I hope you enjoeyd it!
Mam nadzieję, że wam się podobało!
xx Sylwia

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Mixed Media Fairy - first project for GD Faber Castell Design Memory Craft

Hello Arty Souls!

I wanted to show you a sneak peak of a project I created for Faber Castell Design Memory Craft.
I am so honored to be on this team as You know I love their products:D

For video tutorial and more photos visit Design Memory Craft blog

Monday, 13 July 2015

'Let Me Paint Your Story' fairy tale about two sisters:)# 'Pozwól Namalować Mi Twoją Historię'- bajka o dwóch siostrach.

Hello Arty Souls!

Today I wanted to tell you a little story about commissioned paintings. I called them 'Let me paint your story'... 
Basically when I got an order for a painting, its not just a painting. It is a story about little girl, little boy, a couple.... A story which is a colorful fairy tale. In my paintings there is no sadness, everyday troubles or dull colours. It is all about happy and magical fairy tale:) When I am asked to make something special for someone special, I always ask for the photo and additional information about favourite colours, toys, places or special little things known only to the future owner of a painting and his family and friends:) And that is how the painted story begins...

Here is a painting I made for two little girls-sisters: Katya and Lina. Katya has a little bit curly hair and she loves dinos:) Lina has straight hair and she loves buses and neckleses. Girls love each other very much and they always play together so I really wanted to show this strong bond on the painting.
And there it is:

Witajcie Artystyczne Dusze!
Dzisiaj chciałabym wam opowiedzieć w jaki sposób maluje obrazy na zamówienie. Nazywam je: 'Pozwól mi namalować Twoją historię'
Kiedy dostaję zamówienie, to nie tylko na obraz, ale również na bajkową historię...Historię o małej dziewczynce, chłopcu czy też młodej parze...Każda historia to kolorowa bajka 'opowiedziana' za pomocą pędzla. W moich obrazkach nie ma smutków czy szarości dnia codziennego, jest za to kolorowa, magiczna i bajkowa opowieść.
Gdy dostaję zlecenie, zawsze proszę o zdjęcie oraz dodatkowe informacje jak np. ulubione kolory, maskotki czy miejsca podróży. A także sekretne detale znane tylko przyszłemu włacicielowi obrazka oraz jego najbliższym. I tak własnie zaczynam malować bajkową opowieść...

Poniższy obrazek namalowałam dla dwóch dziewczynek- sióstr: Katya i Lina. Katya to ta wyższa, ma lekko kręcone włosy i uwielbia dinozaury. Lina ma proste włosy i preferuje naszyjniki i autobusy;). Dziewczynki bardzo się kochają i zawsze razem się bawią, więc bardzo zależalo mi by pokazać to szczególną więz między nimi.

And these are the sweethearts:)
A oto słodziaki:

And this one was a wedding gift for a couple who got engaged in Paris. Kasia and Wojtek both study to be doctors:)
Ten obrazek zamówiony został jako prezent ślubny dla pary, która zaręczyła się w Paryżu. Kasia i Wojtek razem studiują medycynę, co też zaznaczyłam na obrazku :) 

If you would like me to paint the story for you, please contact me at
Jeżeli ktoś chciałby taką historię pedzlem malowaną, proszę o kontakt :

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Watercolor Fairy-girl

 Hello Arty Souls!
I wanted to show you my recent girl inspired by Danielle Donaldson who is amazing artist and illustrator. I just adore her way of painting girls in watercolor. I wanted to challenge myself a little bit more and I started experimenting with watercolors. However I found them so much more difficult then acrylics. The difference is that its harder to correct mistake! You can't just paint over with another layer of watercolour. So I would say the process of using watercolor paints needs to be a little bit planned.
What I also learnt from Danielle is that I can use white background with bravery:) And I can play more with clots details.
I will continue to explore watercolours and I will keep you posted with my progress:D

I would also like to enter Drawing challenge with Mixed Media Place

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Mixed Media Art Journal + video tutorial

 Hello Arty Souls!

Today I wanted to share with you a little journal page I made using new Gelatos Pastels by Faber Castell and embellishments from 7 Dots Studio.
Scroll down to watch the video:)